How to protect your energy and raise your vibrations

Anasha K
5 min readJan 14, 2022

We are living in a time where everyone has an opinion. And you will get their idea whether you ask for it or not.

Opinions on your parenting style. The clothes you are wearing. The career path you choose. The food you eat. What political party do you support?


Sometimes the other party genuinely provides helpful information, and when that’s the case, great! You now have an opportunity (if you so choose) to do some self-reflection and make the necessary changes that can pivot you to grow and become a better person.

But, let’s face it! These opinionated people often aim to hurt you or make you feel small. You know, lower your self-esteem. Make you feel unworthy and not good enough.

That person may be your best friend, in-law, neighbor, a random person at the supermarket, or even your significant other.

Take, for instance, you brought this beautiful pair of jeans and boots that you are super excited to wear to a family get-together.

You spend all day anticipating when you will get to rock your new pair of jeans and boots.

Now, you are all dolled up and ready for the day. You feel beautiful and are pretty happy with your new pair of jeans and boots.

You love the way you look and feel comfortable and confident.

Now, you’re at this family gathering, and your noisy cousin came over and said something along the line — “those jeans are outdated, and those boots I can’t see myself in them.”


She walks away, and you go into this deep state of depression. You become conscious of your new pair of jeans and boots that you were so excited to wear only a few minutes ago.

Now, you no longer feel beautiful and confident.

I’m sure you’ll agree that these situations happen way too more often than you would like to admit, right?!

You allow others to utilize way too much of your energy. Energies once invested elsewhere will allow you to create the life of your dream.

How can you protect your energy and raise your vibrations when others try to take you down?

Here are four simple yet effective ways you can protect your energy and raise your vibrations :

1. Do not take things personally

Learn to accept that you have no control over what other people say or do. And people will be themselves.

The naysayers will always be naysayers because they do not know better. They will always be the first to judged or be disrespectful because they are not comfortable in their skin. And many times look for a scapegoat. Someone they can bash and quickly start a fight with.

Do you always want to be that person?

Have you ever seen a respected, educated, or successful individual trolling social media?

Have you ever seen someone with high stands deliberately trying to hurt someone?


Intelligent people always support and cheer others on. Want the best for them and leave them with constructive feedback that they can use to improve themselves.

There’s a saying empty vessels make the most noise, And that’s so true when it comes to toxic people.

Start protecting your energy by not taking things personally. If something does not serve you, bounce it off and go about your day. Do not lose sleep or cry over it. It’s not worth your time and energy.

2. Protect your energy by setting daily intentions

When you wake in the morning, take a few minutes and remind yourself how you would like your day to be.

  • How do you want to feel today?
  • What do you want to do today?
  • Where do you want to be today?
  • How do you want to make others feel today?

Ask yourself these questions and take a few minutes to journal or speak them out loud. But set an intention for your day.

Reading The Daily Stoic will help you with this exercise 100%. It’s a masterpiece that will support you in protecting your energy and raising your vibrations.

3. Find three words that align with you

Protect your energy and raise your vibrations by knowing who you are and how you want to feel; go back to your journaling exercise in step 2 and pick three words that align with your values in life.

Maybe you want to feel calm and cool. Relaxed, free, fulfilled, liberated, confident. Perhaps its clarity empowered.

Find three words that resonate with you. That raises your vibrations. And let those three words be your guide whenever someone is draining your energy.

So, for instance, you feel overwhelmed with a conversation you just had with your significant other. You can remind yourself that you are relaxed, calm, and peaceful.

Here’s another example — you are struggling to put your five-year-old to sleep at night. Deep down, you know the more worked up you become, that energy of yours will transfer to him. Remind yourself that you are kind, compassionate, and understanding.

4. Take a few minutes and pause before responding

So you are easily triggered! Now, what?

That’s right! You respond with anger and frustration. Maybe you said some things you wished you didn’t say. Of course, you don’t mean what you said.

But you did!

Words once said can not be undone. Yes, we can apologize. But the scar is still left there.

Choose your words wisely. And the best way to do this is to pause and think through what just happened before reacting.

Walk away. Put the phone down. Say a prayer, and then respond when you have cleared your head.

Protecting your energy and raising your vibrations will allow you to live your life with love and compassion for yourself and others.

It will enable you to enjoy success in every aspect of your life because when we can protect our energy and raise our vibrations, we feel good. When we feel good, we experience a rush of oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone associated with empathy, love, trust, and happiness.

Related post on protecting your energy:



Anasha K

I’m a Canadian-based blogger empowering moms from all across the world to strengthen their self-worth and master their mindset without guilt while pursuing the